Want to join our club?
If you are interested in joining Swindon-Roussel badminton club, this is the process:

Try us out
Firstly, come down to our club night, Friday 7pm at Ridgeway Leisure Centre, your first time is free!
Just contact one of the committee on the contact page to let us know you are coming so we know to look out for you.

Enjoyed you first club night?
If you enjoyed the session, you will be able to guest for two more club nights at £7 a night.

Decided you want to join?
After your 3rd club night, if you decide you want join, the committee will meet to decide if we are able to welcome you into our club. We’ll then help you complete your membership form, get your contact details and send you a welcome email. We then register you with Badminton England and add you to our mailing list.